Georg Nigl (c) Jörg Landsberg
Georg Nigl (c) Jörg Landsberg


GEORG NIGL stars in Gordon Kampe's creation in Hamburg

Georg Nigl performs in a scenic project by Dieter Sperl (text) and Gordon Kampe (music) based on original quotations by a president at the opera stabile of the Hamburg State Opera. 

In the beginning was the word? How quickly bloody deeds prove the opposite of what was said. After Bernhard Lang's Playing Trump 2021, a contemporary composer once again sets out on the trail of a despot's words. Collected in times of peace, set to music in times of war. The rhetoric of power shamelessly turns murderous plans into their opposite. Hypocrisy and brazen lies are elevated to a principle.

Who else could play such a despot and look into the abysses of the human soul as Georg Nigl?

Gordon Kampe: Die Kreide im Mund des Wolfs
Gordon Kampe, Komponist
Dieter Sperl, Text
Georges Delnon, Szenische Einrichtung
Klaus-Peter Kehr, Dramaturgie

Georg Nigl, Solist
Tim Anderson, Musikalische Leitung
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg


25., 28., 30. January, 1. & 2. February 2025
opera stabile der
Hamburger Staatsoper