Julia Wesely
Julia Wesely


THOMAS EBENSTEIN as the Captain in Wozzeck at the Opéra de Lyon

The Austrian character tenor, known to many as a member of the Vienna State Opera ensemble, where he can also be heard in Jules Massenet's Manon, Jacques Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann, Richard Strauss' Ariadne auf Naxos and Georges Bizet's Carmen during the current season, is also increasingly in demand on the international stage for the key roles of his fach. Before his return to the Metropolitan Opera in New York next March as Monostatos in Mozart's The Magic Flute, Thomas Ebenstein will now make his house debut at the Opéra de Lyon with the Captain in a new production of Berg's Wozzeck, expanding his repertoire with another central role in the repertoire.

After a twenty-year absence from the theatre's repertoire, Alban Berg's masterpiece returns to Lyon under the direction of musical director Daniele Rustioni. The production will be directed by the Opéra's ‘Directeur général et artistique’, Richard Brunel.



Stéphane Degout, Wozzeck
Ambur Braid, Marie
Robert Watson, Drum Major
Thomas Ebenstein, Captain
Thomas Faulkner, Doctor
Robert Lewis, Andres
Jenny Anne Flory, Margret

Filipp Varik, the Jester
Hugo Santos, 1st apprentice
Alexander de Jong, 2nd apprentice

Daniele Rustioni, musical direction
Richard Brunel, stage direction
Étienne Pluss, stage design
Thibault Vancraenenbroeck, costumes
Laurent Castaingt, Lighting Designer
Catherine Ailloud-Nicolas, Dramaturg

Benedict Kearns, rehearsal choir
Nicolas Parisot, rehearsing children's choir

Orchestre, Chœur et Maîtrise de l'Opéra de Lyon


2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 October 
Opéra de Lyon
Berg: Wozzeck